

canonicalize_smiles(smiles[, check_valence])

Canonicalize a SMILES string for a molecule.


Cleanup a SMILES string, doing the bare minimum.

inchi_to_mol(inchi[, sanitize, removeHs])

Convert an InChI string to an RDKit Mol.

maybe_canonicalize(smiles[, check_valence])

Canonicalize a SMILES string, but returns the original SMILES string if it fails.

mdl_to_mol(mdl[, sanitize])

Convert an MDL Mol string to an RDKit Mol.

mdl_to_smiles(mdl[, sanitize, canonicalize, ...])

Convert MDL molecule description to SMILES.

mol_to_inchi(mol[, extended_tautomer_check])

Convert an RDKit Mol to an InChI.


Convert an RDKit Mol to an MDL Mol string.

mol_to_smiles(mol[, canonical, isomericSmiles])

Convert an RDKit Mol to a SMILES string.


Remove unnecessary hydrogens in a molecule.

sanitize_mol(mol, *[, ...])

Sanitize an RDKit Mol with the specification of sanitizations to include or to exclude.

smiles_to_inchi(smiles[, ...])

Get the InChI string for a given SMILES.

smiles_to_mol(smiles[, sanitize, find_radicals])

Convert a SMILES string to an RDKit Mol.


The reaction SMILES from Pistachio sometimes contain fraction information at the end of the given string.