Source code for rxn.onmt_models.scripts.rxn_onmt_preprocess

import logging
import random
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple

import click
from rxn.chemutils.tokenization import ensure_tokenized_file
from rxn.onmt_utils import __version__ as onmt_utils_version
from rxn.onmt_utils.train_command import preprocessed_id_names
from rxn.utilities.files import (
from rxn.utilities.logging import setup_console_and_file_logger

from rxn.onmt_models import __version__ as onmt_models_version
from rxn.onmt_models import defaults
from rxn.onmt_models.training_files import OnmtPreprocessedFiles, RxnPreprocessingFiles
from rxn.onmt_models.utils import log_file_name_from_time, run_command

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def determine_train_dataset( data: RxnPreprocessingFiles, model_task: str ) -> Tuple[Path, Path]: """ Get the paths to the src and tgt dataset, trying to get the augmented one if it exists. Args: data: info about training files. model_task: model task. Returns: Tuple for the src and tgt files (the augmented ones if possible). """ src = data.get_src_file("train", model_task) tgt = data.get_tgt_file("train", model_task) augmented_src = data.augmented(src) augmented_tgt = data.augmented(tgt) if augmented_src.exists() and augmented_tgt.exists():'Found augmented train split in "{data.processed_data_dir}"') src = augmented_src tgt = augmented_tgt return src, tgt
@click.command() @click.option( "--input_dir", type=str, required=True, help="Directory containing the output of prepare-data for the main data set.", ) @click.option( "--additional_data", type=str, multiple=True, help="Directory containing the output of prepare-data for the additional data sets.", ) @click.option( "--output_dir", type=str, required=True, help="Where to save the preprocessed OpenNMT files.", ) @click.option( "--model_task", type=click.Choice(["forward", "retro", "context"]), required=True ) @click.option( "--truncated_valid_size", default=defaults.VALIDATION_TRUNCATE_SIZE, help=( "Number of samples from the validation set to consider for reporting the accuracy " "on the validation set. From experiences, taking values larger than 10k just " "leads to longer training times without much gain. Use -1 for no truncation." ), ) @click.option( "--truncation_shuffling_seed", default=defaults.SEED, help="Random seed to use for shuffling the validation reactions before truncation.", ) @click.option( "--vocab", type=str, help=( "Token vocabulary file (one token per line). Required only in order " "to add tokens not in the dataset when training the base model." ), ) def main( input_dir: str, additional_data: Tuple[str, ...], output_dir: str, model_task: str, truncated_valid_size: int, truncation_shuffling_seed: int, vocab: Optional[str], ) -> None: """Preprocess the training files for OpenNMT models (wraps onmt_preprocess). The input_dir must contain the following files: data.processed.train.precursors_tokens data.processed.train.products_tokens data.processed.validation.precursors_tokens data.processed.validation.products_tokens The script will generate the following files in output_dir: ... (and additional indices for train and valid if the dataset is large) Preprocessing data for multitask training is also supported, if at least one `additional_data` parameter is given. """ # Set up the paths main_data_files = RxnPreprocessingFiles(input_dir) onmt_preprocessed_files = OnmtPreprocessedFiles(output_dir) # Set up the logs log_file = onmt_preprocessed_files.preprocessed_dir / log_file_name_from_time( "rxn-onmt-preprocess" ) setup_console_and_file_logger(log_file)"Preprocess data for RXN-OpenNMT models.")"rxn-onmt-utils version: {onmt_utils_version}. ")"rxn-onmt-models version: {onmt_models_version}. ") train_src, train_tgt = determine_train_dataset(main_data_files, model_task) valid_src: PathLike = main_data_files.get_src_file("valid", model_task) valid_tgt: PathLike = main_data_files.get_tgt_file("valid", model_task) train_srcs: List[PathLike] = [train_src] train_tgts: List[PathLike] = [train_tgt] for i, additional_data_path in enumerate(additional_data, 1): data_files = RxnPreprocessingFiles(additional_data_path) src, tgt = determine_train_dataset(data_files, model_task) train_srcs.append(src) train_tgts.append(tgt) if truncated_valid_size != -1 and count_lines(valid_src) > truncated_valid_size: f"The validation set will be truncated to {truncated_valid_size} lines." ) # Load all samples and put in list of src-tgt tuples valid_src_tgt = list( zip(load_list_from_file(valid_src), load_list_from_file(valid_tgt)) ) # Shuffle the samples and truncate random.seed(truncation_shuffling_seed) random.shuffle(valid_src_tgt) valid_src_tgt = valid_src_tgt[:truncated_valid_size] # Write to new files valid_src = onmt_preprocessed_files.preprocessed_dir / "truncated_valid_src.txt" valid_tgt = onmt_preprocessed_files.preprocessed_dir / "truncated_valid_tgt.txt" dump_list_to_file((src for src, _ in valid_src_tgt), valid_src) dump_list_to_file((tgt for _, tgt in valid_src_tgt), valid_tgt) f'The truncated validation set was saved to "{valid_src}" and "{valid_tgt}".' ) # Tokenize all the files if necessary train_srcs = [ensure_tokenized_file(f) for f in train_srcs] train_tgts = [ensure_tokenized_file(f) for f in train_tgts] valid_src = ensure_tokenized_file(valid_src) valid_tgt = ensure_tokenized_file(valid_tgt) # yapf: disable command_and_args = [ str(e) for e in [ 'onmt_preprocess', '-train_src', *train_srcs, '-train_tgt', *train_tgts, '-valid_src', valid_src, '-valid_tgt', valid_tgt, '-save_data', onmt_preprocessed_files.preprocess_prefix, '-src_seq_length', 3000, '-tgt_seq_length', 3000, '-src_vocab_size', 3000, '-tgt_vocab_size', 3000, '-share_vocab', '-overwrite', ] ] # yapf: enable if vocab is not None: command_and_args.extend(["-src_vocab", vocab, "-tgt_vocab", vocab]) if additional_data: train_ids = preprocessed_id_names(len(additional_data)) command_and_args.extend(["-train_ids", *train_ids]) run_command(command_and_args) if __name__ == "__main__": main()