Source code for rxn.onmt_models.scripts.rxn_plan_training

from typing import Iterator, List, Optional, Union

import click
from attr import define
from rxn.onmt_utils.train_command import RxnCommand

import rxn.onmt_models.defaults as defaults


[docs]class Parameter: """ Parameter to be queried to the user, if the command(s) are necessary. """
[docs] def __init__( self, key: str, query: str, default: Union[int, float], commands: RxnCommand, optional: bool = True, ): """ Args: key: parameter name as it is forwarded to the scripts. ` query: string displayed to the user when querying. default: default value for this parameter. commands: command(s) that this parameter is needed for. optional: if a parameter is optional and its queried value is equal to the default, it will not be displayed to the user in the command(s) to execute. """ self.key = key self.query = query self.default = default self.type = type(default) self.commands = commands self.optional = optional
[docs]@define class ContextOptions: tagging_batch_size: int
[docs]@define class AugmentOptions: number_augmentations: int
[docs]@define class DatasetOptions: txt_path: str processed_path: str weight: int augment: Optional[AugmentOptions]
[docs]class TrainingPlanner: """ Class that will take the user through the values needed for training models, in an interactive manner. """
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: # All the logic runs directly in the constructor, to avoid the # necessity of initially setting all the values to None. self.model_task = click.prompt( "Please enter the model task", type=click.Choice(["forward", "retro", "context"]), ) self._query_about_finetuning() self.on_gpu = click.confirm("GPU available?", default=True) self.datasets = self._get_datasets() self.preprocess_seed = click.prompt( "Seed for data preprocessing", type=int, default=defaults.SEED ) self.context_options = self._maybe_get_context_options() self.onmt_preprocessed = click.prompt( "Where to save the OpenNMT-preprocessed data", type=str ) self.onmt_models = click.prompt("Where to save the OpenNMT models", type=str) self._initialize_parameters() self._query_parameters()
def prepare_data_cmd(self) -> Iterator[str]: for dataset in self.datasets: yield self._prepare_data_cmd(dataset, self.preprocess_seed) def prepare_context_data_cmd(self) -> Iterator[str]: for dataset in self.datasets: yield self._prepare_context_data_cmd(dataset.processed_path) def augment_data_cmd(self) -> Iterator[str]: for dataset in self.datasets: cmd = self._augment_cmd(dataset) if cmd is not None: yield cmd def preprocess_cmd(self) -> str: cmd = ( "rxn-onmt-preprocess " f"--input_dir {self.datasets[0].processed_path} " f"--output_dir {self.onmt_preprocessed} " f"--model_task {self.model_task} " ) for dataset in self.datasets[1:]: cmd += f"--additional_data {dataset.processed_path} " return cmd def train_or_finetune_cmd(self) -> str: if self.finetuning: return self.finetune_cmd() else: return self.train_cmd() def train_cmd(self) -> str: cmd = ( "rxn-onmt-train " f"--model_output_dir {self.onmt_models} " f"--preprocess_dir {self.onmt_preprocessed} " ) cmd += self._parameters_for_cmd(RxnCommand.T) cmd += self._data_weights() cmd += self._gpu() return cmd def finetune_cmd(self) -> str: cmd = ( "rxn-onmt-finetune " f"--train_from {self.train_from} " f"--model_output_dir {self.onmt_models} " f"--preprocess_dir {self.onmt_preprocessed} " ) cmd += self._parameters_for_cmd(RxnCommand.F) cmd += self._data_weights() cmd += self._gpu() return cmd def continue_training_cmd(self) -> str: cmd = ( "rxn-onmt-continue-training " f"--model_output_dir {self.onmt_models} " f"--preprocess_dir {self.onmt_preprocessed} " ) cmd += self._parameters_for_cmd(RxnCommand.C) cmd += self._data_weights() cmd += self._gpu() return cmd def _query_about_finetuning(self) -> None: self.finetuning = click.confirm( "Are you fine-tuning an existing model?", default=False ) if self.finetuning: self.needed_commands = [RxnCommand.F, RxnCommand.C] self.train_from = click.prompt("Path to the base model", type=str) else: self.needed_commands = [RxnCommand.T, RxnCommand.C] self.train_from = None def _initialize_parameters(self) -> None: self.parameters = [ Parameter("batch_size", "Batch size", defaults.BATCH_SIZE, RxnCommand.TCF), Parameter( "train_num_steps", "Number of training steps", 100000, RxnCommand.TCF, optional=False, ), Parameter( "learning_rate", "Learning rate", defaults.LEARNING_RATE, RxnCommand.TF ), Parameter("dropout", "Dropout", defaults.DROPOUT, RxnCommand.TF), Parameter( "heads", "Number of transformer heads", defaults.HEADS, RxnCommand.T ), Parameter("layers", "Number of layers", defaults.LAYERS, RxnCommand.T), Parameter("rnn_size", "RNN size", defaults.RNN_SIZE, RxnCommand.T), Parameter( "transformer_ff", "Size of hidden transformer feed-forward", defaults.TRANSFORMER_FF, RxnCommand.T, ), Parameter( "word_vec_size", "Word embedding size", defaults.WORD_VEC_SIZE, RxnCommand.T, ), Parameter( "warmup_steps", "Number of warmup steps", defaults.WARMUP_STEPS, RxnCommand.TF, ), Parameter("seed", "Random seed for training", defaults.SEED, RxnCommand.TF), ] def _query_parameters(self) -> None: """ Query the user about the values of all necessary parameters. """ self.param_values = {} for p in self.parameters: is_needed = any(cmd in p.commands for cmd in self.needed_commands) if not is_needed: continue value = click.prompt(p.query, type=p.type, default=p.default) self.param_values[p.key] = value def _get_datasets(self) -> List[DatasetOptions]: """ Get the information on datasets from the user. """ datasets = [] number_datasets = click.prompt( "Number of datasets (more than one means multitask learning)", type=click.IntRange(min=1), default=1, ) for i in range(number_datasets): data_txt = click.prompt(f"Path to the data set (TXT) no {i + 1}", type=str) data_dir = click.prompt( f"Where to save the processed data set no {i + 1}", type=str ) # weight does not need to be queried if there's only one dataset if number_datasets == 1: weight = 1 else: weight = click.prompt( f"Training weight for data set no {i + 1}", type=click.IntRange(min=1), ) datasets.append( DatasetOptions( txt_path=data_txt, processed_path=data_dir, weight=weight, augment=self._maybe_get_augment_options(i + 1), ) ) return datasets def _maybe_get_context_options(self) -> Optional[ContextOptions]: if self.model_task != "context": return None tagging_batch_size = click.prompt( "Batch size for generating context prediction data", type=int, default=_CONTEXT_DATA_BATCH_SIZE, ) return ContextOptions(tagging_batch_size=tagging_batch_size) def _maybe_get_augment_options(self, dataset_no: int) -> Optional[AugmentOptions]: augment = click.confirm( f"Would you like to augment the data set {dataset_no}?", default=False ) if not augment: return None n_augmentations = click.prompt( "Number of augmentations per sample", type=click.IntRange(min=1) ) return AugmentOptions(number_augmentations=n_augmentations) def _parameters_for_cmd(self, command: RxnCommand) -> str: """ Get the string to append to the command for all the parameters associated with a command type. """ to_add = "" for p in self.parameters: if command not in p.commands: continue param_value = self.param_values[p.key] equal_to_default = param_value == p.default if p.optional and equal_to_default: continue to_add += f"--{p.key} {param_value} " return to_add @staticmethod def _prepare_data_cmd(dataset: DatasetOptions, prepare_seed: int) -> str: command = ( f"rxn-prepare-data --input_data {dataset.txt_path} " f"--output_dir {dataset.processed_path} " ) if prepare_seed != defaults.SEED: command += f"--split_seed {prepare_seed} " return command def _augment_cmd(self, dataset: DatasetOptions) -> Optional[str]: if dataset.augment is None: return None return ( f"rxn-onmt-augment --data_dir {dataset.processed_path} --model_task " f"{self.model_task} -n {dataset.augment.number_augmentations}" ) def _prepare_context_data_cmd(self, data_dir: str) -> str: if self.context_options is None: raise RuntimeError("Context options not defined.") command = f"rxn-create-context-dataset --data_dir {data_dir} " if self.context_options.tagging_batch_size != _CONTEXT_DATA_BATCH_SIZE: command += f"--batch_size {self.context_options.tagging_batch_size} " return command def _data_weights(self) -> str: data_weights = "" if len(self.datasets) > 1: for dataset in self.datasets: data_weights += f"--data_weights {dataset.weight} " return data_weights def _gpu(self) -> str: if self.on_gpu: return "" return "--no_gpu "
@click.command() def main() -> None: """Interactive program to plan the training of RXN OpenNMT models. It will ask a user for the values needed for training, and then print all the commands to be executed. """ print("Interactive program to plan the training of RXN OpenNMT models.") print("NOTE: Please avoid using paths with whitespaces.") tp = TrainingPlanner() print("Here are the commands to launch a training with RXN:\n") print("# 1) Prepare the data (standardization, filtering, etc.)") for prepare_cmd in tp.prepare_data_cmd(): print(prepare_cmd) print() if tp.model_task == "context": print( "# 1b) Prepare context prediction data (requires rxn-context-prediction package)" ) for prepare_context_cmd in tp.prepare_context_data_cmd(): print(prepare_context_cmd) print() if any(dataset.augment is not None for dataset in tp.datasets): print("# 1c) Augment the data") for augment_cmd in tp.augment_data_cmd(): print(augment_cmd) print() print(f"# 2) Preprocess the data with OpenNMT\n{tp.preprocess_cmd()}\n") print(f"# 3) Train the model\n{tp.train_or_finetune_cmd()}\n") print(f"# 4) If necessary: continue training\n{tp.continue_training_cmd()}") if __name__ == "__main__": main()