Source code for rxn.onmt_models.training_files

import logging
import re
from itertools import count
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional

from rxn.utilities.files import PathLike

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ModelFiles: """ Class to make it easy to get the names/paths of the trained OpenNMT models. """ ONMT_CONFIG_FILE = "config_{idx}.yml" MODEL_PREFIX = "model" MODEL_STEP_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^model_step_(\d+)\.pt$")
[docs] def __init__(self, model_dir: PathLike): # Directly converting to an absolute path self.model_dir = Path(model_dir).resolve() # Create the directory if it does not exist yet self.model_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
@property def model_prefix(self) -> Path: """Absolute path to the model prefix; during training, OpenNMT will append "" to it (or other step numbers).""" return self.model_dir / ModelFiles.MODEL_PREFIX
[docs] def next_config_file(self) -> Path: """Get the next available config file name.""" for idx in count(1): config_file = self.model_dir / ModelFiles.ONMT_CONFIG_FILE.format(idx=idx) if not config_file.exists(): return config_file return Path() # Note: in order to satisfy mypy. This is never reached.
[docs] def get_checkpoints(self) -> List[Path]: """Get the checkpoints contained in the directory, sorted by step number.""" steps_and_models = [ (self._get_checkpoint_step(path), path) for path in self.model_dir.iterdir() ] steps_and_models = [ (step, path) for step, path in steps_and_models if step is not None ] # Sort, from low checkpoint to high checkpoint steps_and_models.sort() return [model for _, model in steps_and_models]
[docs] def get_last_checkpoint(self) -> Path: """Get the last checkpoint matching the naming including the step number. Raises: RuntimeError: no model is found in the expected directory. """ models = self.get_checkpoints() if not models: raise RuntimeError(f'No model found in "{self.model_dir}"') return models[-1]
@staticmethod def _get_checkpoint_step(path: Path) -> Optional[int]: """Get the step from the path of a given model. None if no match.""" match = ModelFiles.MODEL_STEP_PATTERN.match( if match is None: return None return int(
[docs]class OnmtPreprocessedFiles: """ Class to make it easy to get the names/paths of the OpenNMT-preprocessed files. """ PREFIX = "preprocessed"
[docs] def __init__(self, preprocessed_dir: PathLike): # Directly converting to an absolute path self.preprocessed_dir = Path(preprocessed_dir).resolve() # Create the directory if it does not exist yet self.preprocessed_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
@property def preprocess_prefix(self) -> Path: """Absolute path to the prefix for the preprocessed files; during preprocessing, OpenNMT will append "", "", "", etc.""" return self.preprocessed_dir / OnmtPreprocessedFiles.PREFIX @property def vocab_file(self) -> Path: return self.preprocess_prefix.with_suffix("")
[docs]class RxnPreprocessingFiles: """ Class to make it easy to get the names/paths of the files generated during data preprocessing. This assumes that the default paths were used when calling rxn-data-pipeline. """ FILENAME_ROOT = "data"
[docs] def __init__(self, processed_data_dir: PathLike): # Directly converting to an absolute path self.processed_data_dir = Path(processed_data_dir).resolve()
def _add_extension(self, extension: str) -> Path: """ Helper function get the path of the file produced with the given extension. Args: extension: extension to add Returns: Path to the file with the given extension. """ if not extension.startswith("."): extension = "." + extension return self.processed_data_dir / ( RxnPreprocessingFiles.FILENAME_ROOT + extension ) @property def standardized_csv(self) -> Path: return self._add_extension("standardized.csv") @property def processed_csv(self) -> Path: return self._add_extension("processed.csv") def get_processed_csv_for_split(self, split: str) -> Path: split = self._validate_split(split) return self._add_extension(f"processed.{split}.csv") @property def processed_train_csv(self) -> Path: return self.get_processed_csv_for_split("train") @property def processed_validation_csv(self) -> Path: return self.get_processed_csv_for_split("validation") @property def processed_test_csv(self) -> Path: return self.get_processed_csv_for_split("test") def get_precursors_for_split(self, split: str) -> Path: split = self._validate_split(split) return self._add_extension(f"processed.{split}.precursors_tokens") def get_products_for_split(self, split: str) -> Path: split = self._validate_split(split) return self._add_extension(f"processed.{split}.products_tokens") @property def train_precursors(self) -> Path: return self.get_precursors_for_split("train") @property def train_products(self) -> Path: return self.get_products_for_split("train") @property def validation_precursors(self) -> Path: return self.get_precursors_for_split("validation") @property def validation_products(self) -> Path: return self.get_products_for_split("validation") @property def test_precursors(self) -> Path: return self.get_precursors_for_split("test") @property def test_products(self) -> Path: return self.get_products_for_split("test") def get_context_tags_for_split(self, split: str) -> Path: split = self._validate_split(split) return self._add_extension(f"processed.{split}.context.tagged") def get_context_src_for_split(self, split: str) -> Path: split = self._validate_split(split) return self._add_extension(f"processed.{split}.context.src") def get_context_tgt_for_split(self, split: str) -> Path: split = self._validate_split(split) return self._add_extension(f"processed.{split}.context.tgt")
[docs] @staticmethod def augmented(data_path: Path) -> Path: """Get the path for the augmented version of a data file.""" return data_path.with_name( + ".augmented")
def _validate_split(self, split: str) -> str: if split == "train": return "train" if split == "valid" or split == "validation": return "validation" if split == "test": return "test" raise ValueError(f'Unsupported split: "{split}"')
[docs] def get_src_file(self, split: str, model_task: str) -> Path: """Get the source file for the given task. Note: the file is tokenized for the forward and retro tasks, but not for the context task. """ if model_task == "forward": return self.get_precursors_for_split(split) if model_task == "retro": return self.get_products_for_split(split) if model_task == "context": return self.get_context_src_for_split(split) raise ValueError(f'Unsupported model task: "{model_task}"')
[docs] def get_tgt_file(self, split: str, model_task: str) -> Path: """Get the target file for the given task. Note: the file is tokenized for the forward and retro tasks, but not for the context task. """ if model_task == "forward": return self.get_products_for_split(split) if model_task == "retro": return self.get_precursors_for_split(split) if model_task == "context": return self.get_context_tgt_for_split(split) raise ValueError(f'Unsupported model task: "{model_task}"')