Source code for rxn.onmt_models.translation

from typing import Optional

from rxn.chemutils.tokenization import detokenize_file, file_is_tokenized, tokenize_file
from rxn.onmt_utils import translate
from rxn.utilities.files import PathLike, is_path_exists_or_creatable

[docs]def rxn_translation( src_file: PathLike, tgt_file: Optional[PathLike], pred_file: PathLike, model: PathLike, n_best: int, beam_size: int, batch_size: int, gpu: bool, max_length: int = 300, as_external_command: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Do a forward or retro translation. This function takes care of tokenizing/detokenizing the input. In principle, by adapting the "invalid" placeholder, this could also work when input/output are full reactions. Note: no check is made that the source is canonical. Args: src_file: source file (tokenized or detokenized). tgt_file: ground truth file (tokenized or detokenized), not mandatory. pred_file: file where to save the predictions. model: model to do the translation n_best: number of predictions to make for each input. beam_size: beam size. batch_size: batch size. gpu: whether to use the GPU. max_length: maximum sequence length. as_external_command: runs the onmt command instead of Python code. """ if not is_path_exists_or_creatable(pred_file): raise RuntimeError(f'The file "{pred_file}" cannot be created.') # src if file_is_tokenized(src_file): tokenized_src = src_file else: tokenized_src = str(src_file) + ".tokenized" tokenize_file(src_file, tokenized_src, fallback_value="") # tgt if tgt_file is None: tokenized_tgt = None elif file_is_tokenized(tgt_file): tokenized_tgt = tgt_file else: tokenized_tgt = str(tgt_file) + ".tokenized" tokenize_file(tgt_file, tokenized_tgt, fallback_value="") tokenized_pred = str(pred_file) + ".tokenized" translate( model=model, src=tokenized_src, tgt=tokenized_tgt, output=tokenized_pred, n_best=n_best, beam_size=beam_size, max_length=max_length, batch_size=batch_size, gpu=gpu, as_external_command=as_external_command, ) detokenize_file(tokenized_pred, pred_file)