Source code for rxn.utilities.basic

import random
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Iterator, Optional, TypeVar

T = TypeVar("T")

[docs]def identity(x: T) -> T: return x
[docs]@contextmanager def sandboxed_random_context() -> Iterator[None]: """ Enter a context that will not affect the Python random state. This works by saving the random state at the beginning of the context and resetting it when exiting the context. Examples: >>> with sandboxed_random_context(): ... _ = random.random() # has no effect outside of the context """ random_state = random.getstate() try: yield finally: random.setstate(random_state)
[docs]@contextmanager def temporary_random_seed(seed: Optional[int]) -> Iterator[None]: """ Set a random seed in a context, to avoid side effects. Examples: >>> with temporary_random_seed(101): ... # ``a`` will always have the same value ... a = random.random() Args: seed: seed, directly forwarded to random.seed(). ``None`` means using the system time. """ with sandboxed_random_context(): random.seed(seed) yield