Here we show how simple it is to train reaction BERTs on any regression task.

Available tools

BERT and related transformer models have revolutionised Natural Language Processing. The implementation of such models is conveniently made available through the Huggingface Transformers library. We based already based our previous work on reaction fingerprints / classification and atom-mapping on this library. To train the yield regression models in this work, we used the, which contains all you need to add fine-tuning heads on top of transformers, run trainings and evaluations.


One key difference compared to human languages, when compared to chemistry are the tokens and tokenizers. In this work, we use the tokenizer introduced our previous rxnfp work with the same regex as in the Molecular Transformer.

from rxnfp.tokenization import get_default_tokenizer, SmilesTokenizer
from rdkit.Chem import rdChemReactions

smiles_tokenizer = get_default_tokenizer()

reaction_smiles = 'CC(C)[C@@H](C)CCBr.[Na]C#N>>CC([C@@H](C)CCC#N)C'
rxn = rdChemReactions.ReactionFromSmarts(reaction_smiles,useSmiles=True)

wandb: WARNING W&B installed but not logged in.  Run `wandb login` or set the WANDB_API_KEY env variable.
Setting 'max_len_single_sentence' is now deprecated. This value is automatically set up.
Setting 'max_len_sentences_pair' is now deprecated. This value is automatically set up.
['C', 'C', '(', 'C', ')', '[C@@H]', '(', 'C', ')', 'C', 'C', 'Br', '.', '[Na]', 'C', '#', 'N', '>>', 'C', 'C', '(', '[C@@H]', '(', 'C', ')', 'C', 'C', 'C', '#', 'N', ')', 'C']

As the tokenizer is normally hard-coded in the SimpleTransformers library we need to change it, we therefore create a SmilesClassificationModel class, as seen in the core module.

            "bert": (BertConfig, BertForSequenceClassification, SmilesTokenizer),

Once this is done, the SimpleTransformers library can be used as usual.

Pretrained reaction BERT models

There are currently two reaction BERT models in the rxnfp library - pretrained (trained with on a reaction MLM task) and ft (additionally trained on a reaction classification task). For this example, we will use the pretrained model as starting point for the training of our Yield-BERT. On the Buchwald-Hartwig reactions both base models performed similarly.

import pkg_resources
import torch
from rxnfp.models import SmilesClassificationModel
model_path =  pkg_resources.resource_filename(
                f"models/transformers/bert_pretrained" # change pretrained to ft to start from the other base model
yield_bert = SmilesClassificationModel('bert', model_path, use_cuda=torch.cuda.is_available())
Setting 'max_len_single_sentence' is now deprecated. This value is automatically set up.
Setting 'max_len_sentences_pair' is now deprecated. This value is automatically set up.

Prepare the data

Load the reaction SMILES and yield values into a DataFrame with columns ['text', 'labels'].

The same procedure could be applied to any reaction (or molecule) regression task.

import pandas as pd
from import generate_buchwald_hartwig_rxns
df = pd.read_excel('../data/Buchwald-Hartwig/Dreher_and_Doyle_input_data.xlsx', sheet_name='FullCV_01')
df['rxn'] = generate_buchwald_hartwig_rxns(df)

train_df = df.iloc[:2767][['rxn', 'Output']] 
test_df = df.iloc[2767:][['rxn', 'Output']] #

train_df.columns = ['text', 'labels']
test_df.columns = ['text', 'labels']
mean = train_df.labels.mean()
std = train_df.labels.std()
train_df['labels'] = (train_df['labels'] - mean) / std
test_df['labels'] = (test_df['labels'] - mean) / std
text labels
0 CCN=P(N=P(N(C)C)(N(C)C)N(C)C)(N(C)C)N(C)C.COc1... 1.387974
1 Brc1ccccn1.CCN=P(N=P(N(C)C)(N(C)C)N(C)C)(N(C)C... -0.796876
2 CC(C)c1cc(C(C)C)c(-c2ccccc2P(C2CCCCC2)C2CCCCC2... -0.827835
3 CCOC(=O)c1cnoc1.CN1CCCN2CCCN=C12.COc1ccc(OC)c(... -0.464841
4 CN1CCCN2CCCN=C12.COc1ccc(Cl)cc1.COc1ccc(OC)c(P... -1.186082

Hyperparameter tuning

Most of the hyperparameter are already fixed by the base model. Here we decided only to tune the dropout probability and the learning rate. SimpleTransformers has wandb nicely integrated. An example how to setup a hyperparameter sweep can be found in the training scripts. The wandb parameters are read using dotenv.


As you can also be seen from the training scripts, once the data is in the right shape a training run can be started within a few lines of code.

For this example we will go with the following parameters,

{dropout=0.7987, learning_rate=0.00009659},

and launch a training. We have to reinitiate the BERT model with the correct parameters.

model_args = {
     'num_train_epochs': 15, 'overwrite_output_dir': True,
    'learning_rate': 0.00009659, 'gradient_accumulation_steps': 1,
    'regression': True, "num_labels":1, "fp16": False,
    "evaluate_during_training": False, 'manual_seed': 42,
    "max_seq_length": 300, "train_batch_size": 16,"warmup_ratio": 0.00,
    "config" : { 'hidden_dropout_prob': 0.7987 } 

model_path =  pkg_resources.resource_filename(
                f"models/transformers/bert_pretrained" # change pretrained to ft to start from the other base model

yield_bert = SmilesClassificationModel("bert", model_path, num_labels=1, 
                                       args=model_args, use_cuda=torch.cuda.is_available())

yield_bert.train_model(train_df, output_dir=f"outputs_buchwald_hartwig_test_project", eval_df=test_df)


To load a trained model and make yield predictions. We change the model_path to the folder that contains the trained model and use the predict method.

model_path = '../trained_models/buchwald_hartwig/FullCV_01_split_2768/checkpoint-2595-epoch-15'
trained_yield_bert = SmilesClassificationModel('bert', model_path,
                                  num_labels=1, args={
                                      "regression": True
                                  }, use_cuda=torch.cuda.is_available())

yield_predicted = trained_yield_bert.predict(test_df.head(10).text.values)[0]
yield_predicted = yield_predicted * std + mean

yield_true = test_df.head(10).labels.values
yield_true = yield_true * std + mean

for rxn, pred, true in zip(test_df.head(10).text.values, yield_predicted, yield_true):
    print(f"predicted {pred:.1f} | {true:.1f} true yield")
Setting 'max_len_single_sentence' is now deprecated. This value is automatically set up.
Setting 'max_len_sentences_pair' is now deprecated. This value is automatically set up.

predicted 37.0 | 38.1 true yield

predicted 15.4 | 14.8 true yield

predicted 9.1 | 12.2 true yield

predicted 11.8 | 8.3 true yield

predicted 6.3 | 1.1 true yield

predicted 45.6 | 44.4 true yield

predicted 46.6 | 53.4 true yield

predicted 0.6 | 1.7 true yield

predicted 13.9 | 10.2 true yield

predicted 0.5 | 0.0 true yield