Train a reaction BERT on the USPTO 1k TPL data set. The task is to predict the 1 out of 1000 template classes given the chemical reaction SMILES. The data set is strongly imbalanced and contains noisy reactions.
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch
import logging
import random
import pkg_resources
import sklearn

from rxnfp.models import SmilesClassificationModel
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Track the training

We will be using wandb to keep track of our training. You can use the an account on wandb or create an own instance following the instruction in the documentation.

If you then create an .env file in the root folder and specify the WANDB_API_KEY= (and the WANDB_BASE_URL=), you can use dotenv to load those enviroment variables.

from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv

Loading the training data

df = pd.read_csv('../data/uspto_1k_TPL/data_set/uspto_1k_TPL_train_valid.tsv.gzip', compression='gzip', sep='\t', index_col=0)

df[['canonical_rxn', 'labels']].head()
canonical_rxn labels
61373 C1CCOC1.CC(C)(C)OC(=O)NCC(=O)NCC(=O)O.CCCCCCCC... 645
135235 CCN(CC)CCOc1ccc(Cn2c3ccc(OC)cc3c3oc4cc(OCc5ccc... 23
434023 CCN(C(C)C)C(C)C.CS(=O)(=O)Cl.C[C@@H]1CCC[C@H](... 0
188234 CC(C)(C)[Si](C)(C)OCCn1ccc(N)n1.Cc1cccc(C)n1.C... 795
406062 CCOC(C)=O.CO.COc1cc(C(=O)O)c(Cl)cc1Br.C[Si](C)... 195

Make splits

The data was already shuffled. We take 10% as test set and a small validation set of 604 reactions to keep track of the performance during training.

train_df = df.iloc[:400000]
eval_df = df[['canonical_rxn', 'labels']].iloc[400000:400604]
eval_df.columns = ['text', 'labels']

all_train_reactions = train_df.canonical_rxn_with_fragment_info[train_df.canonical_rxn_with_fragment_info!=train_df.canonical_rxn].values.tolist() + train_df.canonical_rxn.values.tolist()
corresponding_labels = train_df[train_df.canonical_rxn_with_fragment_info!=train_df.canonical_rxn].labels.values.tolist() + train_df.labels.values.tolist()
final_train_df = pd.DataFrame({'text': all_train_reactions, 'labels': corresponding_labels })
final_train_df = final_train_df.sample(frac=1., random_state=42)

Load model pretrained on a Masked Language Modeling task and train

This will currently only work if you have installed the library from the github repo with pip install -e ., as the models/transformers/bert_mlm_1k_tpl and models/transformers/bert_class_1k_tpl model are not included in the pip package.

model_args = {
    'wandb_project': 'nmi_uspto_1000_class', 'num_train_epochs': 5, 'overwrite_output_dir': True,
    'learning_rate': 2e-5, 'gradient_accumulation_steps': 1,
    'regression': False, "num_labels":  len(final_train_df.labels.unique()), "fp16": False,
    "evaluate_during_training": True, 'manual_seed': 42,
    "max_seq_length": 512, "train_batch_size": 8,"warmup_ratio": 0.00,
    'output_dir': '../out/bert_class_1k_tpl', 
    'thread_count': 8,
model_path =  pkg_resources.resource_filename("rxnfp", "models/transformers/bert_mlm_1k_tpl")
model = SmilesClassificationModel("bert", model_path, num_labels=len(final_train_df.labels.unique()), args=model_args, use_cuda=torch.cuda.is_available())
model.train_model(final_train_df, eval_df=eval_df, acc=sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score, mcc=sklearn.metrics.matthews_corrcoef)

Load trained model (that we've trained using this script)

train_model_path =  pkg_resources.resource_filename("rxnfp", "models/transformers/bert_class_1k_tpl")

model = SmilesClassificationModel("bert", train_model_path, use_cuda=torch.cuda.is_available())

Predictions on test set

y_preds = model.predict(test_df.text.values)